19 research outputs found

    Shape Classification Using Hydrodynamic Detection via a Sparse Large-Scale 2D-Sensitive Artificial Lateral Line

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    Artificial lateral lines are fluid flow sensor arrays, bio-inspired by the fish lateral line organ, that measure a local hydrodynamic environment. These arrays are used to detect objects in water, without relying on light, sound, or on an active beacon. This passive sensing method, called hydrodynamic imaging, is complementary to sonar and vision systems and is suitable for collision avoidance and near-field covert sensing. This sensing method has so far been demonstrated on a biological scale from several to tens of centimeters. Here, we present measurements using a large-scale artificial lateral line of 3.5 meters, consisting of eight all-optical 2D-sensitive flow sensors. We measure the fluid flow as produced by the motion of five different objects, towed across a swimming pool. This results in repeatable stimuli, whose measurements demonstrate a complementary aspect of 2D-sensing. These measurements are both used for constructing temporal hydrodynamic signatures, which reflect the object’s shape, and for flow-feature based near-field object classification. For the latter, we present a location-invariant feature extraction method which, using an Extreme Learning Machine neural network, results in a classification F1-score up to 98.6% with selected flow features. We find that, compared to the traditional sensing dimension parallel to the sensor array, the novel transverse fluid velocity component bears more information about the object shape. The classification of objects via hydrodynamic imaging thus benefits from 2D-sensing and can be scaled up to a supra biological scale of several meters

    Performance of Neural Networks in Source Localization using Artificial Lateral Line Sensor Configurations

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    Artificial lateral lines (ALL) are used to detect the movement and locations of sources underwater, and are based on the lateral line organ found in fish and amphibians. Experiments have been performed to evaluate if the localization performance of neural networks, trained on simulated ALL sensor data, can be improved through adjustments of the internal ALL sensor positions. A Cramér-Rao lower bound analysis was performed on a subset of handpicked sensor configurations to estimate the likely performance of various configurations. The best and worst configurations were used to generate simulated datasets with which extreme learning machines (ELMs) and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were trained and tested on their location accuracy. Simulated datasets consisted of two sources in a three-dimensional basin and the sensor readings of 16 ALL sensors. Results show that the best performing configuration consists of improved ELM and CNN localization performances, while also demonstrating that ELMs are capable of localizing multiple sources in three-dimensional aquatic environments, with comparable if not better results than CNNs

    An expanded set of photoreceptors in the Eastern Pale Clouded Yellow butterfly, Colias erate

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    We studied the spectral and polarisation sensitivities of photoreceptors of the butterfly Colias erate by using intracellular electrophysiological recordings and stimulation with light pulses. We developed a method of response waveform comparison (RWC) for evaluating the effective intensity of the light pulses. We identified one UV, four violet-blue, two green and two red photoreceptor classes. We estimated the peak wavelengths of four rhodopsins to be at about 360, 420, 460 and 560 nm. The four violet-blue classes are presumably based on combinations of two rhodopsins and a violet-absorbing screening pigment. The green classes have reduced sensitivity in the ultraviolet range. The two red classes have primary peaks at about 650 and 665 nm, respectively, and secondary peaks at about 480 nm. The shift of the main peak, so far the largest amongst insects, is presumably achieved by tuning the effective thickness of the red perirhabdomal screening pigment. Polarisation sensitivity of green and red photoreceptors is higher at the secondary than at the main peak. We found a 20-fold variation of sensitivity within the cells of one green class, implying possible photoreceptor subfunctionalisation. We propose an allocation scheme of the receptor classes into the three ventral ommatidial types

    Compound eyes of the small white butterfly Pieris rapae have three distinct classes of red photoreceptors

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    The two subspecies of the small white butterfly, the European Pieris rapae rapae and the Asian P. r. crucivora, differ in wing colouration. Under ultraviolet light, the wings of both male and female P. r. rapae appear dark, whereas the wings of male P. r. crucivora are dark and those of females are bright. It has been hypothesized that these sexually dimorphic wing reflections in P. r. crucivora may have induced the evolution of a fluorescing-screening pigment in the violet-opsin-expressing photoreceptors of males, thus facilitating greater wavelength discrimination near 400nm. Comparing the compound eyes of the two subspecies using genetic, microscopical, spectrographic, and histological methods revealed no differences that would meaningfully affect photoreceptor sensitivity, suggesting that the fluorescing-screening pigment did not evolve in response to sexually dimorphic wing reflections. Our investigation further revealed that (i) the peri-rhabdomal reddish-screening pigments differ among the three ommatidial types; (ii) each of the ommatidial types exhibits a unique class of red photoreceptor with a distinct spectral peak; and (iii) the blue, green, and red photoreceptors of P. rapae exhibit a polarization sensitivity >2, with red photoreceptors allowing for a two-channel opponency form of polarization sensitivity

    The giant butterfly-moth <i>Paysandisia archon</i> has spectrally rich apposition eyes with unique light-dependent photoreceptor dynamics

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    The palm borer moth Paysandisia archon (Burmeister, 1880) (fam. Castniidae) is a large, diurnally active palm pest. Its compound eyes consist of ~ 20,000 ommatidia and have apposition optics with interommatidial angles below 1°. The ommatidia contain nine photoreceptor cells and appear structurally similar to those in nymphalid butterflies. Two morphological ommatidial types were identified. Using the butterfly numbering scheme, in type I ommatidia, the distal rhabdom consists exclusively of the rhabdomeres of photoreceptors R1–2; the medial rhabdom has contributions from R1–8. The rhabdom in type II ommatidia is distally split into two sub-rhabdoms, with contributions from photoreceptors R2, R3, R5, R6 and R1, R4, R7, R8, respectively; medially, only R3–8 and not R1–2 contribute to the fused rhabdom. In both types, the pigmented bilobed photoreceptors R9 contribute to the rhabdom basally. Their nuclei reside in one of the lobes. Upon light adaptation, in both ommatidial types, the rhabdoms secede from the crystalline cones and pigment granules invade the gap. Intracellular recordings identified four photoreceptor classes with peak sensitivities in the ultraviolet, blue, green and orange wavelength regions (at 360, 465, 550, 580 nm, respectively). We discuss the eye morphology and optics, the photoreceptor spectral sensitivities, and the adaptation to daytime activity from a phylogenetic perspective

    Rhabdom constriction enhances filtering by the red screening pigment in the eye of the Eastern Pale Clouded yellow butterfly, Colias erate (Pieridae)

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    Here we report the remarkable anatomy of the eye of the Eastern Pale Clouded yellow butterfly, Colias erate. An ommatidium of C. erate bears nine photoreceptors, R1–9, which together form a tiered and fused rhabdom. The distal tier of the rhabdom consists of the rhabdomeral microvilli of R1–4 photoreceptors, R5–8 photoreceptors contribute the proximal tier, and the R9 photoreceptor adds a few microvilli at the base. In transverse sections, four spots of red pigment surrounding the rhabdom are evident in the ventral region of the eye. The red pigment acts as a strong red filter for the proximal photoreceptors. The arrangement of the pigment spots distinguishes the ommatidia into three types: trapezoidal (type I), square (type II) and rectangular (type III). In all types of ommatidia, the distal and the proximal tiers of the rhabdom are divided by a strong constriction, clearly to enhance the filtering effect of the red pigment. The ommatidial heterogeneity can also be observed by optical measurements. The eye shine, resulting from tapetal reflections, peaks in type I ommatidia at 660 nm, and in type II and III ommatidia at 730 nm. The far-red-peaking eye shine indicates that C. erate has far-red-sensitive photoreceptors. Type I ommatidia fluoresce under violet excitation, implying the presence of a violet-absorbing pigment that acts as a short-wavelength filter.

    Shiny wing scales cause spec(tac)ular camouflage of the angled sunbeam butterfly, Curetis acuta

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    <p>The angled sunbeam butterfly, Curetis acuta (Lycaenidae), is a distinctly sexually dimorphic lycaenid butterfly from Asia. The dorsal wings of female and male butterflies have a similar pattern, with a large white area in the female and an orange area in the male, framed within brownblack margins. The ventral wings of both sexes are silvery white, which is caused by stacks of overlapping, non-pigmented, and specular-reflecting scales. With oblique illumination, the reflected light of the ventral wings is strongly polarized. We show that the silvery reflection facilitates camouflage in a shaded, foliaceous environment. The ecological function of the silvery reflection is presumably two-fold: for intraspecific signalling in flight, and for reducing predation risk at rest and during hibernation.(c) 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109, 279289.</p>